
Poetry From Our Comrades In The Say It Now News Working Group

An Ode To Those that March On:
Comrade Ed

When one marches, it becomes easy to tire and wear
As the stench of death and the burden of dread hang about the air
It would be so simple to break down and collapse in despair
As our beautiful world burns and collapses into disrepair

Our brothers, sisters and comrades die in droves
Killed by the flailing hand of Capital as it dishes out death
Leaving Families, Coworkers, Comrades, cold and bereft.
It feels to be the way of the world, it turns and nothing is learned

Things feel so grim, watching the value of human life thin.
So many have died, it seems no one but Powers-that-be win
But it is not the way of humanity to die in silence
It is our fight, our life, that is far stronger than their violence

There are those people who hear the screams of the world as their call
The valiant spirit of these people united burns brighter than our fall
There are those who march, united in struggle for all
People united in principle and comrade’s parity stand tall

There are those that kick and scream against Imperialist Dreams
From the banks of the Jordan to the Mediterranean
The blood and passion of People’s War in the Jungles of the Philippines
The millions around the world who’ve taken to crumbling streets.

From students engaged in secret studies in secluded halls,
To boarding crowded buses in the Autumnal chill of pre-dawn fall.
Excitement, nerves and frustration sizzle in the air,
Not a single one, has given in to despair.

March on my comrades to the world we wish!
One day, together in common struggle, will surely get there.

Poetry From Reader Submissions